Personalized health solutions for the unique professional with Kalin Johnson, PharmD — your Neurodivergent Pharmacist.

I help high-achieving, fiercely intelligent, & neurodivergent professionals find solutions to their perplexing health puzzles and feel their best in mind, body & spirit


Have you checked off many of the life “success” boxes, but you feel exhausted, unfocused, and restless? 
Are you, the person who felt like they could do it “all”, now struggling to accomplish the tasks at home and work that used to seem simple?

This incredible brain of yours can feel like a SUPERPOWER and has been a driving force in your accomplishments.

But more recently, it has felt more like an extreme hurdle, and your pre-pandemic coping mechanisms are failing to relieve the stress of a fast-paced mind that never stops thinking.


So, how did you get here? We both know you’re NO slacker! 

In fact, most people in your life likely don’t know or are unable to accept that you’re struggling! 

No way, not you!

You’ve searched for the best healthcare providers, tried navigating your confusing health insurance, made medication and supplements decisions you never thought you’d have to make, and tried incorporating a wellness routine, but it has just left you stressed, confused, and discouraged. 

You feel misunderstood and worried you’re not receiving the unique care you need to feel your best.

It’s NOT easy articulating your concerns when you’re met with resistance.

Resistance from a society that values productivity over emotional regulation. Resistance to the latest education on neurodiversity, masking, and the impact of societal demands on the minimized and marginalized.  

A workplace that tells you just to “meditate and go for more walks” — ignoring the extreme demands it places on your tired shoulders.  A home life filled with unmet expectations that no human could successfully balance. 

This can lead to you trying to DIY your way to better health. But when you’re trying to handle this all on your own, more serious health concerns can fly under the radar and derail your life. 

Health concerns like elevated blood pressure, auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis or psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes, hypermobility spectrum disorders, and hypothyroidism. All of which impact your mind, mood, and overall performance in life. 

And now you wonder if you’ll ever feel at ease in your own body and life.  


You deserve to be seen, heard, and validated in your healthcare and wellness concerns so you can become healthier, happier, and be the fullest expression of yourself.

Listen closely, it’s not your fault.  It never was.  

✧ FIRST, all your life, you were validated for your intelligence and your ability to achieve, your worth attached to the productivity you could offer. 

✧ SECOND, with the pandemic, the anxiety of the unknown, and changes in social connections, it’s easy to feel like you’re surviving and not thriving!

✧ THIRD, you grew up receiving messages that you were different, and that it was YOUR responsibility to adjust, to mask, and to make others comfortable.  

Implicit and explicit messaging said it was YOUR job to fit into a one narrative neurotypical society. To fix your “wrong” brain.  This made you extremely adaptable, driven, independent, successful and the “perfect” human.

You’ve figured everything else out alone, so why can’t you figure out how to make yourself feel better this time?  Why aren’t your coping mechanisms working like they used to?


you were never taught anything except,power through!

You were never told that you were operating in a world not built for you. That help and resting were okay. That there is little sustainability in living life full throttle. These disempowering messages multiply over time and become the norm in your day-to-day life (mine too!).  So normal that you may think, “that’s just the way it is.”  

That is not an answer that I’m willing to accept as a neurodivergent clinical pharmacist, healthcare advocate, and wellness coach with extensive experience supporting patients on their health journey.  

You deserve to live and work in a society that accepts and supports you and a healthcare system that does the same.  Your brain isn’t “wrong.”  You deserve rest.  You deserve support.  You deserve peace.  You deserve health. 


Of COURSE you feel like sh*t!

Of COURSE your mental and physical health are suffering when this has been your reality for SO LONG.

It makes sense you would feel this way. YOU MAKE SENSE. One more time for the people in the back



The Good News?

When your healthcare, treatment, and wellness plans are on point, this is what’s possible for you:

  • No longer waste money on unnecessary treatments that aren’t tailored to your unique needs.  

  • Have the energy to nourish your relationships with your friends, family and/or significant other.  

  • Be able to flourish in your career and make your greatest contribution knowing your health is optimized.  

  • Be able to focus on healing, resting, and cultivating your future instead of wasting precious energy, time, and money advocating for your health and stressing over unexplained symptoms.

 Every part of you, your relationships, values, goals, and your beautiful brain and body deserve to be considered when navigating your mental and physical health needs. PERIOD. 

With the right support and guidance, we can figure this out together!


Hello gorgeous!

My name is Kalin Johnson (she/her/hers), your Neurodivergent Pharmacist. Just your average late diagnosed ADHD/Autistic, hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, & PTSD having woman stumbling and stimming through a neurotypical world.

I’m a clinical pharmacist, healthcare advocate, wellness coach and neurodivergent mentor who has made it my mission to help others FINALLY get the support they need to feel healthy in mind, body, and spirit.  

I’m so happy you’re here and are taking steps to care for your most valuable asset, YOU

Whether you have or haven’t heard it recently, you are worth care, you deserve answers to your health concerns, and your life matters. Here, you and your health concerns will be seen, heard, validated, and acknowledged.

If you’re a fellow neurodivergent (or neuro-spicy) soul, here, you won’t have to utilize precious energy translating your spirit. 

I am here to help you.

To hold space for who you are now and the you that’s bursting to be seen, to nurture your mental and physical health, and to fiercely advocate for your unique needs. 

After a decade of professional and personal experience, I’ve created a step-by-step process that will guide you in achieving optimal health and life balance.

I’ve got you. I will care for your whole person. 

When you feel safe & supported, you can breathe easy and feel free to focus on healing, cultivating the life that fits your dreams.